Franklin's Autobiography Riverside Literature Series VERY nice condition. It is an ex library book, so there are 2 library stamps, one on a page and on on the back cover (see pictures). Other than that, there is nothing!!.
: Lindsay Lohan - The Biography: The Sensational True Story of an International Superstar (Audible Audio Edition): Sarah Marshall, Lynsey Frost, Prospero Media: Books.
Rolling Stone calls B.B.’s memoir a “very American success story [told] with the lyricism and leisurely pace of a born storyteller.” This page autobiography from The King of the Blues brings you a true tale of tragedy, triumph and blues.
Claude Debussy's life and work represent a pivotal moment in the history of music. His ability to capture the nuances of nature, emotion, and the human experience through his compositions has left an indelible mark on the world of classical music.
“Is Life a Thorn or a Flower?” also known as “Jiwan Kada ki Phool” in Nepali, is a lady’s autobiography filled with the endless hardships she faced to express herself as a woman with a disability who was born into a regular household.
Friendship is one of the most prevailing themes in literature, and history is also filled with examples of deep and abiding friendships between authors: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis; Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald; and James Baldwin and Toni Morrison.
Pope Francis Autobiography, US/Canada Relations, China - Taiwan Fr. Gerald Murray & Robert Royal discuss the Pope’s new autobiography & the appointment of Card. Robert McElroy as next DC Archbishop. Conrad Black on the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. And, Steven Mosher discusses the latest news from China.
Sometimes regarded as the first autobiography in English, and more recently cited as the forerunner of the modern political memoir, The Life of Sir Thomas Bodley is the fascinating account of a sixteenth-century diplomat and founder of one of the most renowned libraries in the world, the Bodleian Library.
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, etc. The value of Yogananda's. Autobiography. is greatly enhanced by the fact that it is one of the few books in English about the wise men of India which has been written, not by a journalist or foreigner, but by one of their own race and training--in short, a book. about. yogis.
The award-winning gospel artist reflected on the rejection she felt growing up and discussed her journey to forgiveness. Campbell also explained her decision to speak publicly about the challenges she’s faced within her marriage including infidelity. More inside Tina Campbell on the complicated relationship with her father and her grandmother.
Il y a 44 ans, un certain 24 juin , à la fête de la Saint-Jean, l'orchestre donnait son premier concert à Miami au temple maçonnique "Arche de Noé". Dadou Pasquet (à gauche) et Tico.
Shridhara (flourished c. , India) was a highly esteemed Hindu mathematician who wrote several treatises on the two major fields of Indian mathematics, pati-ganita (“mathematics of procedures,” or algorithms) and bija-ganita (“mathematics of seeds,” or equations).